Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Comment on triangular group Videos.


I'm glad that you really followed the format of what Andy wanted. You did your own thing and let people watch which is hard to do. I didn't exactly follow the format but both of our videos representations of digitalization.

I feel like your video is saying that digital shit is taking up most of the time in your life. Even when your playing guitar, your using an electric tuner. That really shows what the world has come to.

I see when your texting in your video your kind of looking around, I don't know if that is subconscious or not, but when I'm texting I kind of feel awkward, like you awkwardly looking around.

In future videos I would make a few more "statements" about technology, but the guitar with the tuner is a good example of how digital is taking over our lives.

Your video really makes me think about what the world is coming to. What can we do that is not technology based??? Even in the gym when your working out, there are usually TV's in the room, and most people are listening to their Ipods. I wonder how the world will turn out.

Once again i enjoyed your post and look forward to future ones.


(Amon didn't have a video so I commented on his survey)

Your question, is by far the most articulated and well stated question i've read. You asked the exact question I was wondering about, but I didn't know how to articulate it as well as you.

I agree with your brother and best friend when they say that Digitalization is coming at us so fast and strong, there's no way to get from it. I agree with Stranger #1 when he says it helps us do work faster and more efficiently, but I also agree with Stranger #2 when he says its taking us away from the real world.

Overall, I feel that technology is fine in moderation. Too much of it can be over stimulating, but if your don't use it you will be lost in the world.

I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree with a lot of your thoughts but do the rest of your work so we can read it!


1 comment:

  1. Jace, I'm really glad we're working together on our blogs. It's sort of surprising that we can connect with each other and that we work well together. I'm grateful that we can communicate together without much difficulty in our blog posts and comments.

    I feel like you payed attention to what I was doing in my videos, which was really sweet even though my videos were really boring. I had a feeling you wouldn't watch second video but it's kind that you did. You said how I'm kind of looking around while I was texting, which I didn't really see when I watched my video. Knowing the computer was recording everything I was doing made me kind of nervous, so I felt like I faked how I was acting at least a little bit. LIke the head-nodding to the music.

    What kind of "statements" on technology do you mean? Do you want me to be less original and more restating what everyone else says? I like your question "what can we do that is not technology based?" a lot! It's kind of corny I guess but I go upstate to my dad's country house every other weekend, and my dad makes me take walks around the property. I realized last weekend when I was walking around I didn't even have my cell phone in my pocket, which was a little surprising for me.

    As I keep saying, I look forward to working with you.

