Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When I watch my own video, I feel like i should have made a video of me simply watching TV, or web surfing, but I wanted to show a problem that I actually do have a lot, even if it's not completely real.

In the video I get angry pretty easily, and give up. I don't mean to do this and i definitely don't do it in the physical aspects of my life, but it seems like sitting in front of the computer makes my vulnerable to hostility. Even not on the video, Im realizing it now.

I already have a brother who spends most of his time on the computer, tv, or his phone. It is disturbing and it really is affecting his health. He is gaining weight and stays up all night. Although it doesn't seem to be affecting his social life, i'm afraid that if he goes on like this, then it will.

My hand on the phone looks very big, and I never noticed that. I also noticed that when I am texting I am very entranced by it, and don't pay attention to anything else, but I kind of knew that already.

If someone can do something digital that they like, such as the Wii, and stay active at the same time, It's still taking you away from something better you could be doing. Unless its the only active thing you really do in our life, then Its a must.


  1. Dear Mr. Ego: Even before you wrote the writing part of this, I thought your video was brilliant. It seems like you put a lot of time into editing it, while other people did not. Don't feel bad for being original! I know a lot of people taped themselves playing video games, but it's good to do something different. That's why I used a guitar tuner to tune my guitar for the second half of my video. I really like how you said something like "don't let digitalization control your lives" in your video, trying to give people something that we can take away from watching your creation. I also found it amusing when you said "A message from Jace, do your homework" when I had to bother you yesterday until you posted this.

    The main thing I took out of what you wrote in your post, is that you do things you aren't aware of when you're immersed in technology. This is sort of like how you said when Russell watched his own video he did not notice he scratched his nose a couple times, and how he was also unaware of other things that he did. You also said how your brother is getting lazier, and technology is ruining his sleep.

    I can also connect this to my little brother. My brother revolves around technology; whether it is watching the television, being on his blackberry, being on the computer.. He is always with technology. My brother really likes having a blackberry since you can check your email and be on the internet whenever you have your phone. He keeps trying to convince my mom to get a blackberry as well, which she does not want because she doesn't want her emails to be constantly nagging at her when she is away from her computer.

    When you said how your brother is getting lazier, I connected it to how many days a week you work out in the gym. Are you working out more because your brother is being lazy and you do not want to be that way? Or are you doing that just because you want to? Why do you think technology makes you so frustrated and angry?

    I just remembered how I was on facebook talking to you, as well as texting you at the same time. Sort of pathetic..

    Keep digging into your thoughts Jace! I'm looking forward to reading more of your work in the future.

  2. Dear Jace

    I'd first like to apologize for not putting up my video sooner, I tend to procrastinate up to the point until I'm either late or minutes away from the deadline. Since it does affect you and Hannah's overall grade I'll try my best to priorities my homework over other daily activities.

    Your video definitely portrays the different aspects of the digital lifestyle. I like how you covered a majority of the various digital activities we do, and the most significant ones as well. I also noticed that you were quite unhappy throughout the whole video as stated in your second paragraph. Not only did you show what people tend to look like while absorbed in technology, but the emotional aspects of how it can affect us.

    Based off your comment after watching your own video, I can see that you grasped a very good perspective on how people are under the influence of the digital lifestyle. The way you used your brother as an example of people prioritizing the digital world over the real world really shows that you understand the border between being too absorbed and maintaining balance between the two lifestyles. Though I also understand how you feel when your brother turns on the TV. There is nothing more distracting than technology that distributes sound, which I honestly think is why we are able to become captivated in it.

    Similar to your brother, I also had a time period in middle school where video games and computers made my life. Now that I look back at those days, I tend to forcefully resist myself from staying home. It's scary how people can dramatically change due to a new system console or a new video game, and as an individual who has experienced the horror of becoming absorbed with it I can finally be honest with myself and say it truly can be bad for you physically and mentally.

    It seems like you've realized the flaws of being too distracted with technology. That it makes you feel vulnerable to hostility. I'd like to know how your brother reacts when he is focused on the digital world. Does he conflict your anger and become more passive? And now that you have realized it, how has your reactions changed?

    I also liked your opinion about the Wii. Though people try to categorize it to be a more healthier way to play video-games, the mental aspects of it does not change much from when you are sitting on your couch playing Xbox.

    I like your style, and creativity. It definitely makes me feel like I'm doing something more than homework, and actually learning something through your work. Please keep it up as it helps me do my part as well.

  3. Hannah,

    I appreciate you taking the time out to write a long and thought out response to my video. I like how you made it personal by calling me "Mr. Ego", and also telling me about parts of my post that was similar to your. What you said about how both of our brothers are addicted to digitalization hit home because so many of our younger siblings are really gravitating towards these stimulating digital things, and its taking a toll on their well being. I have seen your brother and though digitalization is not physically having the affect on him that it's having on my brother, I'm sure it is still affecting his, and probably your life.

    What you said about me being in the gym all the time also made me think. Am I in the gym all the time trying to be somebody? Or steer away from somebody? Am I doing it purely to stay in good shape? Or are there other reasons that I'm not thinking of, like staying away from someone I don't want to be...

    As funny as my video was, and I'll admit a little bit fake, it is still a reoccurring thing in my life. Digitalization is taking all of us away from things that we need to be doing at this point in our life, like homework. I think our videos are different though. For me, digitalization is taking me away from something I need to get done, for you, you are using something digital to do something good. In the fucked up world that we live in, finding something as pure as acoustic guitar playing is hard, and whatever it takes to do something like that is good. So using an electric tuner is fine in my eyes.

    I'm not saying that all Digital things are bad, but at this point in our lives, I think we need to focus on the things we need to get done in order to be better adults, and anything that stands in our way is evil. Lets not let distractions get in the way of our future. Thank you for your comment and I look forward to your next praise, advice, or criticism.
