Friday, November 6, 2009

Revised Draft

Introduction: Sleeping with another person. Whether its a five year old who has a bad dream and goes into their mother's bed for comfort. Or two people who have just made sex and are now cuddling together intimately while sleeping. Sleep is a very intimate thing, that allows closeness and togetherness. At our age, most of us don't share a bed with a partner, and if we do its usually not the way we would like to. But almost all of us sleep with our phones right next to us in bed! The problem with America today is that relationships are so superficial. Not that we are fake with our girlfriend or boyfriend, but its that digital media has reduced relationships to a sort of cyber-relationship, where we say the most intimate things in a text, or I-M. We actually have names for it, like "sex text". Meaning that people know what their doing, but are too wrapped up in the addiction of cyber-intimacy to come out of it.

Paragrph 1 (Interviews): Over the course of the year we had had a chance to interview our family members, our friends, and some strangers on different aspects of digitalization. I had a general outline for the questions i wanted to ask, such as "how many hours a day do you spend using something digital and how productive is it". Most of the answers i got were similar. Most people spend from 3-6 hours a day using digital things, and they say that half of those hours are productive. But after reading the answers and really thinking about them, I realized those were not the questions i needed to be asking. So i decided to ask some more questions. They went as followed: What form of digital media do you spend the most time on? Hannah: Text Messaging. Where is your phone during the day? The Night? Hannah: In my pocket. At night its right next to my bed.
If someone asks to see your phone, for no apparent reason, what do you say? Hannah: No.
Q1: Jacara: My computer and my ipod. Q2: In my Pocket, and at night its charging right next to my bed. Q3: No because my phone is my business i don't let just anybody look at it. 
Sarah: Q1: My Phone. Texting.
Q3: In my hand or my pocket. At night its either right next to me on my night table or in my bed with me. Its on and on vibrate. 
Why do you keep it on during the night? In case someone calls me i'll see when they call me in the morning.

Paragraph 2(Connection): In my past relationships, and a lot of my friends relationships, a big problem between the couple is that they don't spend enough time together. When in a relationship, at least one of the partners always wants to be with the other. I know thats how it is with me. Obviously no one can spend every second with a person, yet we do it with our phones. People are so over protective of their phones that they don't let anybody see them. They won't let anybody use them. They want them all for themselves. They share information with their phones (pictures etc.), don't want anybody to use them, and sleep with them. Sound like a girlfriend or boyfriend?

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