Sunday, October 18, 2009


I finished reading "Feed" last night. I was up at 2 in the morning laying in bed when I finished it. I was thinking a lot about how the book is an allegory or modern teenage life. I kept making these parallels and connections that was getting me depressed. The feed is the internet, M-chat was texting/iming. Up-cars were GPS's. Everything that the characters in Feed had, we had less extreme versions of. These thoughts were getting me depressed because I really do not want to live in a world where people can sense when I'm there, they can know what I'm thinking, they can just get into my head on command. But the problem is I can't picture a world without a phone; without the internet. I tried to stop thinking about it, so I wouldn't be so depressed, but then I remembered what M.T. Anderson said. That "We can only become responsible citizens of the world once we start to acknowledge that there's a complex world out there that's not easy to assimilate.". Meaning that we can't just avoid the topics we don't want to think about our whole lives, we need to access them, and really think about how we can change it; If not for the world, then at least for ourselves.

In Feed there are many tragedy's going on. Some of them collide with each other making them even more tragic, but some are just tragic on their own. We talked in class about the tragedy of Violet dying, and of Titus and his "crew" not even knowing about the Feed taking over their minds, but I think the tragedy goes deeper than that. The only person who tried to resist the"feed", ended up getting killed by it. Does that not say something about our society?

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